A Blog devoted entirely to news about the University of Kentucky's Men's Basketball Team. Any e-mails and/or advertising inquiries should be sent to ukbasketball23@gmail.com.
No people have grown sick of all the Wall mind games and one week his picking a school the next week hes going past the signing date. I mean the kid is only playing one freaking year of college ball JUST PICK ALREADY!!!
Yeah. Sure. I'm not gonna hold my breath. This kid is a head case.
Whatever just tell when the aliens land so I can jump on board that band wagon. Uk don't need him anyways so who cares.
However a grammar teacher for their fans may come in quite handy
No people have grown sick of all the Wall mind games and one week his picking a school the next week hes going past the signing date. I mean the kid is only playing one freaking year of college ball JUST PICK ALREADY!!!
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