John Wall hasn't committed to UK or anywhere else, despite a slew of rumors to the contrary on Thursday
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This kid is taking this waaaaay to far! He`s going to duke so his AAU coach can keep him on short rope so he knows where his money is at all time
We need John Wall next year! But let me tell you something... After the 2010 season we have a legitimate shot at landing:
#1 PG Brandon Knight
#4 PG Joe Jackson
#5 PG Kyrie Irving
#1 SG Will Barton
#1 SF Harrison Barnes
#4 SF Roscoe Smith
#2 PF Adrien Payne
#4 PF Dominique Ferguson
haha watch out! maybe even more to come...
I really hope his mother or someone who really cares about him doesn't let this aau coach decides john walls own fate. I hope john can decide for hisself.
I hope this is the last 'Diva' that Coach Cal asks to the prom!
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