Monday, May 03, 2010

John McGrath of The News Tribune says Washington should turn the page and forget about Terrence Jones


Wheatgerm said...

Some people in the Pacific Northwest refer to Kentucky as KU (not knowing that it stands for Kentucky Utilities). Apparently Jones is one of those. How embarrassed would he have been if he put on that KU cap he reached for and started talking about Kentucky? Probably not as embarrassed as he is right now.

Poor kid. When you're a teenager, everything seems more significant than it really is, whether it's relationships or mistakes or achievements. This one will take a while to get over.

Glenrider said...

Well said ...
"When you're a teenager, everything seems more significant than it really is, whether it's relationships or mistakes or achievements."

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sick of all of the articles that continue to assert that Coach Cal himself has been found guilty of NCAA violations. Do these idiots think that UK would hire a coach who had actually been found guilty of NCAA violations? I'm pretty sure that when UK landed in probation under Coach Sutton that school officials said: "Enough of that!"

Of course Sutton landed at OK St. where nobody (media included) gave a rats behind about his sordid past...nor did anyone care how many bottles he emptied by halftime. Clearly the obsession with Coach Cal is all about wanting to keep UK down. Outside of the state of Kentucky, the rest of the country was thrilled to see Billy Clyde on the UK Bench. Why? Because it meant UK wasn't going anywhere fast. Now Coach Cal is in town and UK has found a "fearless leader" who has the mentality of: "it ain't over until the fat lady sings."

So now because Jones isn't quite sure that UW is the right place for him, it's time once again to bash UK. Honestly, I think people need to grow up. The NCAA knows that the next level is the NBA and colleges have become nothing but the doormat for kids that are pro-bound. I know Jones is young, but he isn't still riding a tricycle. He has some responsibility here too! It's a big decision and leaving home isn't easy, but this is a kid who wants to take his show to the NBA. He can't hold onto mommy and daddy forever.

Bottom line: Time for a lot of folks to grow up

Anonymous said...

Well your "Fearless Leader" might be leading you down the wrong road. It seems the NCAA is very interested in Mr. Calipari's shennanigans Friday. They claim to have serious issues with the whole matter.
This is really going to get interesting. Everybody has warned all of you at Kentucky but you are so arrogant and believe you are deserving of being the Elite basketball school that you made a hire and forgot to realistically analyze the situation. You were more concerned with your self serving selves to see the light. You will see the light allright but it is the light on a freight train headed directly at you.
Enjoy.......arrogance does kill. Oh, and by the way GO BAMA!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

^ Are you with the NCAA or are you making assumptions about the "shenanigans" as allot of people seem to want to do ?

Anonymous said...

Any link to prove your remark about the NCAA? Probably not. Look, most UK fans are not interested in "winning at all costs." UK fans would be the first in line to turn on Coach Cal if he were to lead UK down the wrong path, but without ANY PROOF of wrong doing, haters need to chill out. When Coach Cal was at Memphis he was a "media darling" because he was, well, at Memphis. Now he's at UK where he has the backing of a basketball powerhouse and nobody likes it - too bad. Most of the schools that were basking in the glory of the NIT last year would have taken Coach Cal if they had the money. Unless you are a UK fan, chances are the UK/Coach Cal combo make you lose sleep at night.

The real issue to me is: who is Terrence Jones fooling? UW or UK

To me, that whole press conference and all that has followed has made Jones look bad - if anyone. I mean make a decision and stick to it. I totally understand why UW fans are upset. However, if Coach Cal is somehow twisting TJ's arm in some unethical manner, why hasn't Jones brought it up...AND why would that stop him from signing with Washington?

I mean if Coach Cal is so "shady" and such a bad guy, then my goodness Terrence should have signed right after he got off his cell phone with ***Coach Cal*** ...if he indeed did talk to him. I mean why wouldn't he be thrilled to sign that LOI, knowing that he could put this whole thing to rest. In my opinion, its because his heart has one school in mind and his brain is thinking about another.

So anyway, unless you have a link to this "NCAA investigation" then I really could care less. This is TJ's decision and I am fine with whatever decision he makes, but IMO he's played a role in this MESS himself.

Tony said...

Speaking of assumptions, I haven't found a link or credible source yet that can confirm TJ gave Cal a verbal so they stopped recruiting CJ Leslie. But that scenario fits much better than the remote possibility that they both wanted to go somewhere else (closer to home) other than UK. The upheaval on the UK campus (1 & done, E8 only, slimey recruiting, GPAs etc.) is because they sold the 'Soul of the Commonwealth' (UK basketball) and university reputation for one of the shadiest individuals of all time. Question for UK, if this continues with no Nat'l Championships, what quality coach do you think will want this job once Cal jumps to the NBA, to come clean up his mess yet again?

Anonymous said...

The doomsayers have to be the most laughable haters of the bunch. The NCAA is interested you say? I guess they'll start their investigation after Jeff Goodman's "Violations" article that he's been working on for 8 months finally hits the presses.

You're pathetic for being here and even more pathetic for making crap up. Ride that Tide back down to Podunk and leave basketball to the big boys.

Anonymous said...

Because you had ONE good year you call yourself the big boys...LMAO!
What about the last 10 where you were a heap of crap?
Kentucky fans are easily the most idiotic fans in the NCAA field.
Haters are not coming out because you are Kentucky... it is the way Cal is handling the program that brings the protesters.

Anonymous said...

'Haters are not coming out because you are Kentucky... it is the way Cal is handling the program that brings the protesters.'

Well said. Best line yet!!!

eeky said...

i love how Memphis Belle sign off with: "go Bama" hahha...(oooh yeah that outta throw them off)we know who you are, and calling you out!
youre still boring.

Tony said...

Eeky you have to be my all time favorite. Yesterday I was the Memphis Belle. Now today it's somebody else. I believe you are the infamous Wildcat with the 1.6 GPA.

Anonymous said...

Do you see what I am talking about EEKY? You cant stand any critisism and when someond does you automatically call them "Mphs Belle" etc. How old are you? 6, 8 maybe 12? That is the average age for a KY fan isin't it. At least that is the correct age for the average IQ

eeky said...

whatever you say Tony and anonymous..(1 in the same person)

say, is there a forum you belong to i could join? like to disguise MY name as well, and talk smack..

...HAHAHAH i didnt think so....

eeky said...

well arent we a pair - youre my all time favorite to kick around.